Plant Identifier / Scanner Privacy Policy

General Information

Plant Identifier / Scanner app includes all apps released in the AppStore under Ilya Klimenko's personal account. Your privacy is important to us. Plant Identifier / Scanner policy is to respect your privacy.

Storage and Synchronization

The app stores your data locally on the devices you use it on. The app does not use third-party storage, processing, or synchronization services, except for the processing required for plant categorization and information retrieval as detailed below.

Integration with Third-Party Services

To enhance the functionality of the Plant Identifier / Scanner app, we have integrated it with OpenAI's services. When you use the app to identify a plant, a photo of the plant may be uploaded to OpenAI's servers for processing. This data is used solely to provide you with accurate plant categorization and detailed information.

Protection of Personal Information

We are committed to protecting your data. Any photos or data sent to OpenAI are only used for the purpose of plant identification and information retrieval. We do not use, analyze, or share your data with any other third-party programs beyond what is necessary to deliver the app's functionality.

Questions About Data Processing

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or how your data is collected, used, and stored when you use the Plant Identifier / Scanner app, please email me with the subject line "PlantID".

My email: ""