Water - Tracker/Reminder privacy policy

General information

Water - Tracker/Reminder app is all apps released in the AppStore under Ilya Klimenko's personal account. Your privacy is important to us. Water - Tracker/Reminder policy is to respect your privacy.

Storage and synchronization

The app stores your data locally on the devices you use it on. The app does not use third-party storage, processing, or synchronization services.

Protection of certain personal information

We do not use, analyze, or use third-party programs to analyze your data.

Apple Health data

Water - Tracker/Reminder app does not read or analyze health data. It can only add the number of milliliters of water you have drunk and the date when you added it.

Questions about data precessing

If you have a question about this privacy and how your data is collected, used and stored when you use the Water - Tracker/Reminder apps, please email me at with the subject line "Water".

My email: ilyakurgan@icloud.com